Chief Speziale represents the City and Police Department in attending meetings with community groups, city council and officials to provide assistance, directly or in conjunction with staff preparing and administering the department’s strategic plan.
The City of Hazleton Police Department serves an extremely diverse population of approximately 50,000 residents and visitors in 6.6 square miles with (60) employees. Chief Speziale is responsible for overseeing, operations, investigations, emergency management and administration. Under his watch, the overall consistent crime saw reduction through enforcement and community collaboration with 40% reduction in serious crimes sustained over (3) years. The Chief is credited with securing (3.5) million in grant funding supporting, US COPS Hiring, BJA-JAG Strategic Policing, New Police Vehicle Fleet Replacement, Complete Enhanced Technology, Camera’s, Computer Aided Dispatch in Vehicle Tablets, Automatic License Plate Readers, Portable Fingerprint Scanners, Electronic E-Ticket Citations, Computerized Truck Enforcement (Scales), (2) Harley Davidson Motors, Vehicle GPS Location, and Crime Mapping.
Chief Speziale developed strategic vision, programs and operations ensuring they were clearly communicated and executed throughout the organization. Developed metrics to ensure that the overall efforts of agency personnel were aligned with the department’s mission, goals and expectations while maintaining alignment with the strategic goals of the City of Hazleton. Implemented a wide range of accountability metrics to ensure the department maintained the highest levels of professional ethics and integrity, both as individuals and as an agency.