Jerry Speziale

My early career with the NYPD DEA Task Force was the subject of a novel, “Without a Badge”, which I authored.

Jerry Speziale, MAS

Proven public safety executive with multi-disciplinary skills who experienced success as each leadership position grew in complexity and responsibility. Transformational leader with (30) years of experience in all aspects of policing, demonstrates acute communication and problem solving skills, enhances organizational performance and synergy, and engenders community cooperation, building trust, legitimacy and procedural justice through high performance. Fosters interagency collaboration, promotes diversity, and develops accountability by creating confidence between labor and management. Open communicator with notable successes in reducing and preventing violent crime, leading and motivating police personnel to meet law enforcement objectives with exceptional comprehension of department and community needs through police accountability and strengthened productivity.

I worked as a detective on the narcotics squad, and in 1990s, I became an undercover agent for the DEA, and was a member of the DEA's "Group 93," which was tasked with fighting Columbian Drug Cartels. 

During my service, I received many awards and medals, including Medal of Honor,  Special Narcotics Prosecutor, Award Medal of Exceptional Merit, Twenty Medals of Commendation, three DEA Administrators Awards and eight Medals of Excellent Police Duty.